Tattoo Aftercare: How To Take Care of Your New Tattoo

Tattoo Aftercare: How To Take Care of Your New Tattoo

Once you have your new tattoo, proper aftercare is crucial in ensuring a good healing process! Failure to follow the guidelines given to you by your artist could lead to infection, scarring, or patchiness. Not only are there short-term aftercare steps you should take, but there are many long-term steps that will help keep your tattoo looking good for years to come. The aftercare suggestions in this blog are based on the instructions used here at Morningstar Tattoo, but keep in mind that each artist may have different recommendations and you should consult with your artist if you have any questions or concerns about tattoo aftercare.

General Guidelines

  • No swimming, hot tubs, bathtubs, pools, saunas, lakes or rivers, or other bodies of water for at least two weeks after getting your tattoo.
  • Reduce intensive activities that could cause excessive sweating such as going to the gym, intense manual labor, intensive sports, etc.
  • Wear long sleeves, pants, or other loose protective clothing while your tattoo is healing to avoid exposing your tattoo to bacteria, sunlight, etc.
  • If you have pets, please ensure to keep their hair (and tongues) off your tattoo while it heals to avoid potential infection.

Aftercare with Derm

Many tattoo artists today choose to use a bandage called “DermShield” or “Second Skin”. This clear adhesive bandage can be an excellent way to help heal a tattoo for those without adhesive sensitivities or allergies. 

1. First derm will remain on the tattoo for 24 hours as long as the derm has not developed any holes, leaks, or peels leaving exposed tattoo. If the first derm has been compromised, please refer to steps 2-7 immediately.

2. If your artist is unable to change the derm for you after 24 hours, wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial Dial Gold soap. Pull off the derm slowly in a clean space away from dog hair or other contaminants.

3. Wash tattoo with Dial Gold antibacterial hand soap (do not use bar soap). Get all of the plasma and blood off of the tattoo ensuring that the tattoo and surrounding areas are clean.

4. Rinse tattoo under cold water to clean off soap.

5. Let the tattoo air dry for 5-10 minutes.

6. Make sure that your tattoo is dry and hands are freshly washed, then apply second layer of derm on the tattoo (make sure have a ½ inch border so tattoo is fully covered).

7. Second layer should stay on for 4-5 days (if the second layer leaks, tears, or peels exposing the tattoo you should take it off immediately).

8.Please refer to care without derm after you have removed the wrap.

9. If you experience any redness, fever, excessive heat or any concerns please reach out to your artist or Morningstar Tattoo immediately.

Aftercare without Derm

Depending on where the tattoo placement is on the body, DermShield may not be a viable option. Derm is also not recommended for those with allergies to adhesives or super sensitive skin. For those healing without Derm, it’s especially important to keep the tattoo clean and away from pets, sweat, dirty water, and other contaminants.

1. Always ensure hands are washed with Dial Gold antibacterial hand soap (please do not use bar soap).

2. Wash tattoo with Dial Gold antibacterial hand soap. Get all of the plasma and blood off of the tattoo ensuring that the tattoo and surrounding areas are clean. Wash tattoo 3 to 4 times per day.

3. Rinse tattoo under cold water to clean off soap.

4. Let the tattoo air dry for 5-10 minutes.

5. Once the tattoo is dry and your hands are freshly washed apply a thin layer of dye-free unscented lotion. Curel and Lubriderm are preferred - please do not use Tattoo Goo or A&D Ointment, they are too greasy and will trap in moisture.

6. Repeat steps 1-5 for two weeks or until tattoo is fully healed.

7. If you experience any redness, fever, excessive heat or any concerns please reach out to your artist immediately. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, a visit to the doctor’s office may be warranted.

Long-Term Tattoo Aftercare

The most important step you can take to keep your tattoos looking saturated and bright is using proper sun protection! We get it - you want to show off your tattoos! However, the UV light from the sun is not only incredibly damaging to human skin, but can also break down the pigment in tattoo ink. Over time, this will cause tattoos to fade and become splotchy, or even lose color altogether. Sun protection is crucial to tattoo longevity and should never be looked past! Always wear long sleeves and pants that fully cover your tattoos or use a high SPF sunscreen (don’t forget to reapply frequently!). 

The second important long-term aftercare step is to keep your tattoos moisturized. There are many tattoo aftercare products on the market, but we suggest using plain ole’ unscented gentle lotion like Cetaphil, Aveeno, CeraVe, Curel, etc. 


If you have any questions regarding the tattoo aftercare process it’s always a good idea to ask your artist. Consultations are not only to establish a design, but also to establish expectations between both the tattoo artist and client. Taking the time for proper aftercare will help ensure the proper healing and longevity of your tattoos. Starting with a well-done quality tattoo is a great place to start, and we specialize in custom and quality tattoos. Schedule an appointment today with one of our talented tattoo artists who specialize in a variety of styles including neotraditional, American traditional, illustrative, black and grey, realism, blackwork, and more. 


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